Pinless Door Construction

Pinnless Door Construction Method

WalzCraft has always been committed to providing you with truly the highest level of quality; to assure this we manufacture all of our Traditional and Mitered doors using a “pinless” Construction Method.

Cabinetmakers and homeowners alike can appreciate the organic look of the “pinless” doors. More simply stated, steel pins are “foreign objects” in solid wood. Eliminating the use of pins in the door joints leaves one with the impression that a door is a single object, rather than 5 pieces. The absence of pins also eliminates the need to fill every pinhole with wood putty in an effort to hide them. The end result is a professionally crafted door that homeowners will appreciate for years to come.

Back of WalzCraft Door - Pinless Construction
Pictured Above: WalzCraft Pinless Door Construction Method
Back of Competitor Door - Pinned Construction
Pictured Above: Pinned Door Construction Method made by a competitor

Once glued and assembled, doors are clamped under pressure until the glue has had plenty of time to form a strong bond in the joints. With our clamping technique, there is adequate time for the glue to cure and for clamp operators to inspect joints for precise alignment. This results in a tighter, more seamlessly perfect, pinless joint ensuring higher quality, improved appearance, and enduring performance. The strength of a joint is in the glue, which is why WalzCraft utilizes a precisely engineered tapered mortise and tenon joint that maximizes glue adhesion.

All in all, you benefit by receiving a truly exceptional product, one on which you can be both confident and proud, to put your name on; while your client benefits by having beautiful long-lasting cabinetry in their home. This is ultimately why WalzCraft has always maintained the highest quality standards in the design and manufacture of our doors.