Style H Knick Knack Shelf

Our Style H Knick Knack Shelf can be incorporated into various corner transitions between walls, cabinets and more, and has a flat shape at the front.

Contact Customer Support to learn more about this product.

Knick Knack Shelf Specifications

as Shown

  • Style H

Additional Information

*Please specify the width and height dimensions for Style H shelves. The flat dimensions are standard, as noted.


  • Thickness: 3/4″ or 1″
  • Minimum Size: 3″ W x 3″ H
  • Grain Direction: Runs with Width Dimension


Knick Knack Shelves can be ordered Unfinished or Prefinished in any of WalzCraft’s Stain or SolidTone colors, with additional Glazing, Distressing & other options available upon request.

Bull Nose Shelf Moldings

Bull Nose Shelf Moldings are also available in various dimensions and are designed to cover the exposed edge of any 3/4″ thick shelf.

Our Molding #1885 specifically offers an increased height, which works well for covering any recessed lighting that may be used with your Knick Knack Shelf creations.

Knick Knack Shelves

Solid Wood Knick Knack Shelves are an aesthetically pleasing way to transition from an end cabinet to a wall, incorporate decorative storage shelving in a kitchen or bathroom, or to outfit a custom furniture design.

WalzCraft offers 3/4″ and 1″ thick solid wood Knick Knack Shelves in various styles ranging from square to rounded and everything in between.

Knick Knack Shelves are completely made to order and require your exact size specifications, and any additional desired accent edge profiles.

To learn more about available wood species and MDF / RTF compatibility, please visit our online catalog specifications.


WalzCraft Online Catalog